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Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

Drexel real time pre flood warning system monitors and warns of changes inriver water level and river flow rate. The system alerts the downstream areaswhere the river can cause floods thus giving time for preventive action, tomobilize mobilize disaster disaster management management teams and in evacuation evacuation of human beings andessential items.

Drexel real time pre flood warning system utilizes state of art monitoring devices which are installed upstream at suitable location giving ample time for the down stream areas to take preventive measures. Thru the help of telemetry GPS IOT device system the warning signal along with intensity of flood are transmitted to the concerned government departments. They canexcess thru the PCs connected to the servers. Also for the awareness andintimation to general public, large LED sign boards are installed at prominentlocations of downstream populated areas.

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

Drexel real-time pre flood monitoring and warning system is pre programmed with the river historical data including flow rate and water level. Anyabnormality detected immediately triggers flash messages to the designatedstations and LED screen installed at prominent locations. Also the historical data in available on server for 1 year.

The device is supported supported by an inbuilt inbuilt lithium lithium battery battery which lasts for 6 months. Also solar backup is available to recharge the batteries in remote locations.

Discharge Measurement: Velocity-Area Method

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

In this method, discharge is computed by measuring river depths and velocity at a number of regularly or irregularly spaced verticals.

Discharge =A *v
Q =Discharge
Cumec / C usec

This set of information is eventually integrated by mid-section method to determine river discharge. This satisfies the equation Q = A * V. Succeeding paragraphs of this module elaborate these aspects in greater depth.

Flood warning systems advantages

Pre Flood Monitoring System Installed for Indian Railways

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System
Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System
Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

Online Alert

On Server

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

E-Mail Alerts

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System

SMS Alerts on Mobile

LED Alerts on Large LED Display

Online Pre Flood Monitoring And Warning System